Brian Hook

Software Engineer

Brian Hook profile picture


My name is Brian Hook and I am a software engineer in the Chicagoland area.

I recently completed Thinkful's Engineering Coding Bootcamp and am using my previous 6+ years of SEO and Web Development experience to springboard into a full-time software engineering career!


Reservation System for Restaurants

  • full stack application that allows restaurant personnel of fine dining establishments to handle incoming reservation requests, as well as keep track of available tables as parties arrive and depart.
  • screenshot of the dashboard view for the restaurant reservation system
  • ...more screenshots
  • Skills Used:
    • Front-end: React (router, hooks, error boundaries, etc...), Bootstrap, e2e tests
    • Back-end:: Node, Express, Knex, PostgreSQL (via ElephantSQL), Jest
  • Github repo | Live app


  • Project Title
  • Project Description
  • Skills Used:
    • React, Responsive Design, Unit Testing
  • Github repo | Live app

(placeholder #3)

  • Project Title
  • Project Description
  • Skills Used:
    • Node, Express, Knex, Postgres
  • Github repo | Live app

More About Myself

Coding Passion / Teamwork

I became interested in coding when I saw how complex problems could be solved with simple solutions. While I sometimes enjoy the challenge of relying on myself to work through road-blocks, I would rather collaborate with others to share knowledge and new perspectives that help everyone involved succeed.

Services Offered

List of services I can provide a client:

  • Web Development
  • Front-end Engineering
  • Software Design
  • Search Engine Optimization


I also have many interests outside of coding, including:

Fun Fact

I grew up in a town an hour north of Chicago and still reside in the nearby vibrant yet sadly vibranium-less, Wauconda(forever), IL.

black panther logo

Links / Contact

You can find more information regarding my past experience on LinkedIn, and current projects through my GitHub.

Feel free to contact me through this form: